Even I must admit the world revolves without me.
Upon returning to my home and my computer
I discovered this
A mortal website that not only has information on me but it
through voting pits me against various super powered beings.
I gre bored reading through the lists of caped muscled bound
idgets and patheticly dressed and desined heroines.
Still I feel I must defeat them all
So I'm leaving that up to you.
Vote for me..or else...
I don't think I need to go into what or else is.
Obey your Princess.
Oh, you are back, yay. That is a pretty awesome site. Your characterization is spot on and very detailed, I like it, also I don`t know most of these other comic characters.
It had better be spot on..or heads will roll.
So, I don`t think there is a mention of your friends in that character profile. You know, that one girl you are usually hanging out with. I.....kinda forgot her name. The one who isn`t a witch.
Yeah right. Weird that I forget a name so similiar to my own. Well, she wasn`t mentioned, was she? And I`d suggest she is pretty important. Ian wasn`t mentioned either, wa she? I have to read it again^^
I don't know its a tough choice with some of these and theres the talent portion and a dairy goat in a tutu has a better shot of winning the swimsuit compatition
Dennis.....do you need anoter trip down the food chain?
It was the talent comment wasnt it :( ooooh its swimsuit comment i'm sorry i said that you really don't have chicken legs you got this your the man! ......In a little girl way!.......I'm screwed here aren't i?
Change(Turns Dennis into a Chicken)
..yes, yes you are
Well this is different and i dont even like eggs
well you'll get used to laying them ms. chicken
And once again an 11 year old makes an ass of me
Perhaps you should be more careful and respectful, Dennis... I personally would've considered myself lucky to be turned back from a toad if I were in your position. Bringing these things up can only end badly for us mortals.
Bah every one needs a position of opposition or it'd get dull quik oddly though she missed me callin her a cow last week i thought that would have made her madder then the chicken legs dealy
Roasted chicken anyone? ;D
I personally prefer pork but nevertheless chicken is also good. It seems Lucinda has lost quite a few battles there. Whats up princess? Are you losing your touch or what? :o
Great job you toad
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