My sister is currently having a sleep over at her friend Oliva (aka magiceyes02) and has charged me with posting for her.
Here exact words were "Amuse the short-lives"
Knowing here that could mean anything from an amusing story to turning the lot of you into snail droppings (Although I'm not sure snails have droppings).
I'm sorry for any trouble my sister has caused. She's a petulant and precocious girl and has been for some time.
But I love her and despite the fact she's done some truly horrible things always will love her. And trust me when I say you haven't seen the worse of her. In fact she's really mellowed. Now picture her say age 4, about a third as powerful as she is now but still powerful enough to turn you into a two headed duck with a snap of the finger.
Now picture my little sister being forced to attend her first Princess Ball. For those of you who don't know a Princess Ball is a dancing/banquet /social event where the Princesses of the empire (Me and Lucinda) would host the other young noble ladies of the empire and their escorts.
Sounds like fun? It can be if you get past all the snippy teen and preteen noble ladies. Well this was Lucinda's first Ball and she didn't want to go.
You See Lucinda was at the time fascinated with a Circs troop that was visiting our home and had watched every performance and wanted to be there for the next one.
But Duty calls and after going through 3 nanny's and 17 royal dressers it was my mother and I who eventually dressed her and got her to the banquet hall in my palace.
(Lucinda and I each had our own Palace, think of them as private wings of the main castle but with its own staff, guard and so on).
Being our empire covered so many worlds there were hundreds of guest noble-girls and their escorts and other visiting dignitaries children. It was the place to be for young nobles. And things were going well till Lucinda was introduced.
Lucinda at the time wasn't the most agile little girl and tripped on her gown. Laughing at the second Princess of the Empire wasn't something one did but someone in the rear snickered...and another, and another till soon half the hall was laughing.
Lucinda stood straightened her crown and started pointing and changing. The Theme of the Change was of course the Circus. By the time I managed to calm her Man eating Manticore, Winged Serpents, Giant Mammoths and Land Sharks were stomping and devouring their way through a panicked crowd.
Thankfully I, The guards and a few of the more magically adept young ladies managed to corral the creatures before more than a few dozen perished.
Lucinda was grounded for a week in her Palace by my parents as ruffled noble feathers were sooth. And the person who started the laughter was found and Placed in the "Soul Engine" (You don't want to know what that is..you think you do but you don't)
Not long after that my Parents limited my Sisters Royal duties to smaller solo events and events were I or they were present.
I hope you find that amusing...If not I guess I could turn a few of you into snails...or mind control you into acting out a few episodes of "Grey Anatomy while dressed as my favorite Anime characters.
Oh no, it is indeed very amusing, don`t worry. So, you are the "nice one", huh? Thats probably a hard job..
Ribbit! You know every time i open my mouth ribbit! I get punished you would think by now i'd be cowed into keeping my mouth but it gotta be hard for your nice and pretty sister to put up with a spoiled baby brat of a girl for a sibling,.,! Umm forget i said and forgive oh mercifull one
Sent: by: Millicent Nightbane-
Magic Friends Network-
Calling me the "nice one" would mean Lucinda is the "bad one".
And I found that insulting to my sister.
Do ou think insulting my sister is a good thing?
Maybe you should rephrase that?
Sent: by: Millicent Nightbane-
Magic Friends Network-
You know Dennis calling her a brat isn't exactly the kind of thing
one should do if one ever wishes to be human again.
I actually considered turning you back....
Oh come you would'nt leave me like this your too nice! Even if your sisters a cow your too nice to not evolve me from this state ribbit!
Sent: by: Millicent Nightbane-
Magic Friends Network-
A Cow?
I think she let you off easy.
Oh, I didn`t mean it that way, I just meant, you know...uhm...well, you are nicer than your sister, you wouldn`t deny that, would you? Atleast I didn`t call her a cow :)
Oh come on! Your brat sister turned me into a big male bug eating toad! I got off easy my butt! If i deserve worse then this i'd like to see it sweet heart!
Sent: by: Millicent Nightbane-
Magic Friends Network-
I think someone is trying to get melted.
Thats the female answer to everything just melt i'll never understand females
Well, I was turned into a cookie just for asking a good question, sooooo....toad doesn`t sound that bad.
Milicent, good to finally hear from you vs just hearing about you. Not to distract from the talk of melting and toads, because the last thing I want to do is distract anyone powerful..
But I'm curious who your favorite Anime characters are, if you don't mind me asking.
Sent: by: Millicent Nightbane-
Magic Friends Network-
First you shouldn't see me as powerful. The one thing that annoys witches more than..well being annoying is being treated diffrently (My sister and a few others being the exception to that rule)
To answer your question. I like Bleach...a lot.
Ghost in the Shell, Death Note Anything by Miazaki
and my guilty pleasure is Pokemon (Which my sister also likes but would never admit to it and would turn youinside out if you mentioned it to her.)
Eh, I like One Piece. I guess thats not dark enough for a witch, or something.
Sent: by: Millicent Nightbane-
Magic Friends Network-
Why must things be dark for a witch...We don't all wear black and plot evil 24/7.
Sorry, I only know two witches^^ It`s easy to generalize.
I apologize for my rudeness and ask for forgiveness if you change me back i PROMISE i will be polite and i will personally apologize to lucinda and after my audieance if she is still mad i will surrender to her and she can turn me into what ever will make her happy no matter how small or large or dumb or smelly
Sent: by: Millicent Nightbane-
Magic Friends Network-
Very well, but maybe you should just avoid my sister...its safer that way.
(Turns Dennis back)
Now I need to rest,breaking her spells take a lot out of me.
Apology ftw! Now all i have to do is con Lucinda into not turning me into flora or fauna!
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